
App Features

Unlock your dream career effortlessly with our intuitive, AI-driven platform.

Sign In
  • Enter your email and password to log in securely.
  • Recover your account with ease with forgot password option
  • Tap eye to show password
  • Sign in to the app and redirect to the home screen.
Sign Up
  • Create an account using your email, phone number and password to ensure security.
  • Verify your phone number using OTP for authentication.
  • Enter your phone number for added verification.
  • Select job categories to personalize your experience.
  • Complete your profile to unlock tailored job recommendations and opportunities.
Home Page
  • Discover a curated list of recommended jobs tailored to your skills and preferences, powered by AI algorithms.
  • Receive personalized notifications about new job postings, updates on your applications, and relevant insights provided by AI.
  • Filter jobs by categories to narrow down your search.
  • Search for posted jobs by title or keywords to find relevant opportunities.
Job Details
  • View comprehensive job details including description, requirements, and qualifications.
  • Upload your resume directly from your device to apply for the job.
  • Submit your resume seamlessly with just a few clicks to streamline the application process.
Application Status
  • View a list of all the jobs you have applied to, along with their current statuses and any updates.
  • Access a list of all interview invitations you have received, including details such as interview dates, times, and locations.
Profile Settings
  • Edit your profile picture and other personal details for accuracy and customization.
  • Update your user details section to ensure your profile is up-to-date and relevant.
  • Access your Saved Jobs to view a list of all the jobs you've bookmarked for future reference.
  • Access your Saved Jobs to view a list of all the jobs you've bookmarked for future reference.
  • Change your password to ensure account security and protection.
  • Logout option to securely sign out of your account and protect your privacy.

Streamline your hiring process by accessing curated lists of qualified candidates based on AI-driven recommendations.

Sign In
  • Enter your email and password to log in securely.
  • Recover your account with ease with forgot password option
  • Tap eye to show password
  • Sign in to the app and redirect to the home screen.
Sign Up
  • Create an account using your email, phone number, and password to ensure security.
  • Verify your phone number using OTP for authentication.
  • Enter your phone number for added verification.
  • Submit essential company information to finalize registration and unlock full access to our platform powered by AI.
Home Page
  • Access a list of vacancies created by your organization for easy management and monitoring.
  • Utilize search functionality to quickly find specific vacancies based on job titles, departments, or other relevant keywords.
  • Stay updated with notifications regarding new applications, candidate responses, and other important updates related to your recruitment activities.
Create Vacancy
  • Fill in the details of the job vacancy including title, department, location, and job description.
  • Specify the required qualifications, skills, and experience for the position.
  • Set the salary range, benefits, and other relevant details.
  • Determine the application deadline and any additional application instructions.
  • Review and confirm the vacancy details before posting it to attract potential candidates.
  • Utilize AI-driven algorithms to filter and prioritize applicants based on their qualifications, experience, and suitability for the job.
  • Analyze applicant data to identify top candidates who closely match the job requirements and qualifications.
  • Leverage AI-driven insights to make informed decisions about candidate selection and recruitment strategy.
  • Automatically categorize applicants into different stages of the recruitment process (e.g., new applicants, shortlisted candidates, etc.) using AI-powered applicant tracking systems.
  • Receive recommendations for potential candidates who may be a good fit for the job based on their skills, experience, and past performance.
Profile Settings
  • Change your profile image to personalize your account.
  • Edit company details such as name, industry, location, and size for accurate representation.
  • Logout option to securely sign out of your account and protect your privacy.
  • Access a list of jobs posted by your organization for easy management and tracking.
  • View a list of candidates shortlisted for various job vacancies.
  • Change your password to ensure account security and protection.